Thursday, November 18, 2010

Owl Boat.

This is my first finished painting on wood (sort of) and it took a lot longer than I had planned. It's A3 (kind of) and I based it on the story of a bird who lives all alone and has no friends. I made him a businessman and I don't know what happened...I thought I'd give him a happy ending and sent him away in the boat. I had planned to add another bird standing on his shoulder, but I really don't know whether to add it in or not now. I'm not really happy with out it turned out and the thing is, as I've learned bitterly, it can always be worse....hmmmnnn


  1. OMG... I love your owl. The picture is brilliant! I love owls! :D

  2. Looks great! I can't wait to see the exhibition, won't be long now..!! How much more do you have to do?

  3. Ah guys, thank you all, so, so means a lot. Marianne, fuck off! Don't insult me by offering to pay for's yours if you want it!
    Michael, I'm glad you're looking forward to it..I'm not! And I'll do as much as I can get done to be honest...I have a half painting done and five more ideas, so...fingers crossed!
