Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finished pieces...sort of.

Here are the final pieces for my Native American Indian legend project...they need a bit more work and some touching up...also the white gouache on the circular rabbit piece is rubbing off on fucking everything. And I accidentally rubbed some paint off the little owl boy. Which is just brilliant.
I don't feel I can give them away until I can figure out a way to stop the paint getting all over everything.


  1. These are great, a real sense of nostalgia to em, lovely work!

  2. Love those pieces. Maybe test out a kind of clear glaze or fixative?

  3. Thanks Kevin! Though I always worry they get a little bit...ladybirdesque illustration-y!

    Thanks so much Karo! I'm worried if I put something wet onto it the colour will start to run though..

  4. Hey found two varnishes made especially to cover gouache. It'll come in handy since my Bob Dylan poster was done entirely in it.

  5. These are AMAZING; if you ever self-deprecate about your talent again I'll tell that boy you like that you like him! ;P
