Friday, February 19, 2010

Take me out

As it is offically Saturday, we now come to the HIGHLIGHT of my week..."Take me Out" on ITV. A show where single women are all paraded out, made to stand at a buzzer and wait while a "sexy single" man is lowered (yes, lowered) onto the stage. If the girls doesn't like what she sees, she turns her buzzer...(the GENIUS catch phrase..."No like-y, no lighty) off. The "eligible bachelour" then decides what girl to pick from the remaining girls left...and there's nothing quite like seeing A) the DISGUST on the "Sexy bachelours" face as he realises all that's left is the girl with the glass eye or the wooden leg, B)those POOR girls actually HOPING they'd be picked by some uncouth, scurrilous excuse of a man and C) the girl who DOESN'T get picked...Glorious!

Though it's the last one in the serious tonight and I just don't know what I'll do without it...!D:


  1. How have I never heard of this genius show?

  2. Oh Karen, you HAVE you watch's like the Hiroshima of dating shows! Actually, I'm planning to email the show and register Cathy and Suzanne for the next serious!

  3. It sounds awesome. Dude I sent my stuff off today. It won't get their until Tuesday so I can cross Camberwell off my list. I am such a fuck up. When do we need to send our stuff to Glyndwr? I might do it today.

  4. Hey Karo, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be lenient...why don't you email them explaining about what happened?
    And please, don't say that about got sick, you couldn't help it...I just feel awful, I should have printed your work off with mine and sent them together.:O's like a lonely's so happy we want to go there it doesn't matter WHEN we send our stuff off...I have to do that...and all my other college work...

  5. Dude you've nothing to feel bad about at all. I don't care that much tbh. I wasn't really wanting to go there anyway.

    Good thing about Glyndwr is you can send them a link to your website so I just sent a link to my flickr account. Done and dusted.

    I still have to do my comic. I've been trying but I can't concentrate. Epic migraine at the moment. Can stay up for an hour at most before I have to lie down.

  6. God, that's awful...don't worry about the comic Karo, I havnt started mine either and it's not worth getting upset about.

    Ahhh...that's grand about Glyndwr...what a sweet college it is! You know...I keep putting off Bristol...I'm scared to email them again!

  7. Might as well go for it dude. You never know good things might happen. I sent off my shit (by swiftpost no less) to Camberwell even though I know it's going straight in the bin.

    We have to have stuff sent into Falmouth by the 1st of March along with a statement and a fucking essay or something. I really dislike Falmouth.

  8. there was a millionaire on that show this week. ah, the things i pick up walking through my kitchen :)

  9. You love it really Rob!
    They all kept their lights on for him...because he was a "nice guy" of course!
